Risk Management and Audit Committee
The Risk Management and Audit Committee is an advisory Committee formed in line with section 86 of the Local Government Act 2019 that assists Council to achieve good governance by the exercising of due care, diligence and skills in relations to Internal and External Control of Audits and Reporting. The Risk Management and Audit Committee will meet four times in 2024 - 2025.
The members of the Committee are:
- Independent Chairperson Carolyn Eagle
- Mayor James Woods
- Deputy Mayor Elizabeth Williams
- Councillor Jacqueline Phillips
- Independent Member Warren Jackson

Kakadu Ward Advisory Committee
Formed to support the Kakadu Ward Councillors and give them a voice in and for the activities and operations of West Arnhem Regional Council in Jabiru and the wider Kakadu Ward. Whilst this advisory committee has no income stream at this point, the Committee’s activities encompass all areas of Kakadu Ward events and operations and it was established as a vessel to empower the greater community spirit and make a difference for the constituents of the Kakadu ward.
The members of the committee are:
- Deputy Mayor Elizabeth Williams
- Councillor Ralph Blyth
- Councillor Mickitja Onus
- Mayor James Woods

Special Finance Committee
The West Arnhem Regional Council Special Finance Committee is constituted as an Executive Committee with all the necessary powers to carry out Council’s financial functions in line with section 83(4) of the Local Government Act 2019. The Special Finance Committee was formed to review and approve the monthly finance report in the instance that a quorum cannot be met for an Ordinary Meeting of Council.
The members of the committee are:
- Mayor James Woods
- Deputy Mayor Elizabeth Williams
- Cr Mickitja Onus
- Cr James Marrawal
- Cr Donna Nadjamerrek

CEO Employment and Remuneration Advisory Panel
The Panel is an advisory panel that assists Council to fulfil its responsibilities relating to the CEO’s employment as required under part 9.1 of the Local Government Act 2019 and Guideline 2: Appointing a CEO. The panel is responsible for ensuring that comprehensive principles of human resource management are applied to the employment of the CEO, and to provide advice to Council on matters relating to the CEO recruitment, performance, professional development, remuneration and conditions of employment.
The members of the Panel are:
- Mayor James Woods
- Deputy Mayor Elizabeth Williams
- Councillor Mickitja Onus
- Councillor James Marrawal
- Mark Blackburn (Independent Member)