NT Council Elections
The 2021 Local Government Election was held on Saturday, 28 August 2021 where the 2021-2025 West Arnhem Regional Council was voted in. The election, which is held every four years, will have a significant impact on community members in the region. Not only does it provide opportunities for community members to become advocates for their communities by running for Councillor positions in Kakadu, Minjilang, Warruwi, Gunbalanya and Maningrida, the election also provides West Arnhem residents with an opportunity to choose Councillors who will make important decisions that affect the wellbeing of communities in the region.

To get more information about the elections, including links to frequently asked questions, information about how to nominate to become a Councillor, and quick tips on how to vote, please visit the Northern Territory Election Commission website.
Or to check you are on the electoral roll, visit your local Council Office.