Rolling out Street Libraries in West Arnhem Land

The Jabiru Public Library symbolises a lifelong commitment to literacy in West Arnhem Land, and, thanks to the Street Library initiative, we have been able to take another positive step towards making literacy more accessible to our most remote communities!
Recently, the Jabiru Library purchased 5 Street libraries to be placed throughout the West Arnhem Region in the Northern Territory.
West Arnhem Land is a huge area and is home to many First Nations families who are cut off from access to townships because of seasonal rains and large distances. On 27 November, Warruwi launched their street library which is now proudly located at the Warruwi school. Children at school excited to read some of the Indigenous Literacy Foundation books in their Street Library. Jabiru Public Library will continue to donate books to the Street library in communities to provide access to literacy for all people. Minjilang also received and launched their new and exciting street library much to the delight of the community. Thank you to ALPA Minjilang staff and participants which painted and decorated the library beautifully with a lovely colour scheme and shells. The library is now filled with books and has been placed at Minilang Clinic.
Thank you ALPA for a wonderful collaboration in getting the Street Library ready to launch at Red Lily Minjilang.
Gunbalanya and Maningrida will be launching their Street Library in the New Year..
What is a street library?
Street Libraries are a window into the mind of a community; books come and go; no-one needs to check them in or out.
Happy Reading…
For further information please contact
Jillian May Librarian