Participating in World Autism Awareness Day

On Tuesday 2 April, Catholic Care, Remote Connector NDIS and the Jabiru Public Library hosted a Special Storytime for World Autism Awareness Day.
The event aimed at promoting awareness and inclusion to children from Jabiru. Jabiru Librarian Jillian May read ‘The Abilities in Me – Austism’ and ‘It’s Ok to be Different’ to a large group of children at the library. Pokémon stickers were shared with the children and information about the creator of Pokémon Satoshi Tajiri’ who has Autism.
A lovely lunch was shared with all at the library.
Cassie and Jackson also went to the Jabiru Area School to share information with children and give out Pokémon stickers to create awareness and celebrate World Autism Awareness Day.
It was a wonderful collaboration of services working together to celebrate diversity.