November Ordinary Council Meeting wrap up

The West Arnhem Regional Council (WARC) held an Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday, 19 November, hearing a range of reports from various departments and hosting several key presentations.
As part of the technical services report, Council received an overview of all Local Authority and other Council projects currently under way across the region.
Throughout November, some of the key projects developments have been:
Gunbalanya Oval upgrades, including resurfacing, line marking and irrigation works
Maningrida Oval Changerooms construction, with the concrete pad and block work moving along very quickly
Paving of walkways has commenced at a number of Gunbalanya Aged Care homes
As part o the visitors and presentations, Council was privileged to confer with Department of Housing, Local Government and Community Development Chief Executive Officer Luccio Cercarelli on local government matters.
Elected Members also received an update and an in-person demonstration of the new Bibi planes currently being trialled in the West Arnhem region by Charles Darwin University. It is hoped that the pilotless Bibi aircraft will support delivery of medicine and other health care products between Jabiru, Gunbalanya and outstations.
Red Lily Health Board representatives also attended the Council meeting to explore ideas for strengthening partnerships aimed at improving health outcomes across the region.
Council then met with Traditional Credit Union (TCU) representatives who discussed future opportunities to improve banking services for remote Communities.
NT Police Superintendent Jody Nobbs and Acting Senior Sergeant Christopher Harden also attended the Council meeting to provide an overview of their ongoing partnership with WARC under a Memorandum of Understanding. NT Police also emphasised their commitment to attending upcoming Local Authority meetings across the region.
During a meeting break, Elected Members were invited to attend the West Arnhem Youth Leadership Summit which involved young people travelling from five of West Arnhem communities to engage in hands-on learning experiences designed to develop their leadership and explore their future aspirations.
The Elected Members were fortunate to join other Community representatives to hear the students’ final presentations on their vision for a strong future for the region.
All Council meetings are open to the public, with dates and agendas available on the West Arnhem Regional Council website.