Extending youth, sport and recreation services in Kakadu

The Kakadu Youth, Sport and Recreation team are working hard to ensure that all youth within the Kakadu Ward are included and able to access our services.
This is being achieved by increasing service provision during the evening and on weekends as well as strengthening operational stakeholder relationships so they can assist with transport, supervision and resources.
The Kakadu Youth, Sport and Recreation team now regularly have participants from nearby outstations such as Whistle duck, Headquarters and Mudginberri as well as outlying locations such as Jim Jim Ranger Station.
As we continue to improve service provision we hope to further increase outstation youth participation to ensure that the Kakadu Ward Youth, Sport and Recreation program can be enjoyed by all youth and community members within the ward.
Wellbeing services coordinator for Jabiru Aden Reeves said, “It is imperative that our Youth, Sport and Recreation services are accessible by all community members within our ward! Improving and increasing service delivery to ensure equitable participation between all youths within our ward is a goal our team has been working towards for some time. To see it now coming to fruition is an amazing feeling and a true testament to the hard work and dedication of our Youth, Sport and Recreation officer Leah Holt-Narul.”