Community-led competition ends on a high note

The Warruwi community basketball competition, which commenced in May, wrapped up in a huge finale on November 25.
While the competition presented some challenges along the way with a lot of sorry business, overall it was a wonderful community-led competition which was only made possible by the committed volunteers and referees. There was a huge range of people involved in the competition which was inclusive of all age groups, from teenagers, middle aged and even Traditional Owner Senior Elder and Traditional Owner Jenny Inmulugulu.
Wellbeing Coordinator Geraldine Narul said, “The community competition belongs to Warruwi, lots of community members step in to run the community competition.”
In the results, it was the GBI Garmas who took out the women’s division against the Arnhem team. Geri said many women involved in the competition are also great role models in the community. In the men’s division, Wildcatz won the grand finale against Angpunijpa Rebels in a nail-biting match. With only 3 seconds left in the game, both teams were equal at 38 points and it was Bradley Mayinaj (WARC Staff member) who scored a 3 pointer in the dying seconds to seal the game. The final score between was Wildcatz 41 defeated Rebels 38 points.
The winning team was led by Bayden who also won MVP player of the season. Bayden is a stand out player who also coached and mentored the young team which played and won at the Kurrung Sports Carnival earlier this year.
After the games, there were lots of emotions and smiling faces and it was great to bring the community together.
West Arnhem Regional Council hopes to kick off the next community basketball competition in February.