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Celebrating culture and Community during NAIDOC Week

People at the colour run celebrating NAIDOC week

The Minjilang Community went all out to celebrate and participate in NAIDOC Week this year!

From 17-19 July, the Community held a Mamaruni School Athletics Carnival, Elders Luncheon, Colour Run, Community Barbecue and a Movie Night.

These events were made possible through exceptional collaboration between West Arnhem Regional Council, ALPA, CDP, Stedman’s Construction, Red Lilly and Mamaruni School. 

All parties proactively assisting one another to ensure the people of Minjilang could come together for a great week of laughter, fun, culture, and community.

Some comments from the young participants were: “The colour run was the best day ever!!!” and “Can we make every week like this?”
Another comment was, “It is so great to see everyone working together to have events where everyone from the community can laugh and have fun together.”
