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Warruwi Church Centenary


Uniting Church, Warruwi

In June 2016, the community at Warruwi will hold a one-week celebration in recognition of the arrival of Rev. James Watson in 1916. Rev. Watson arrived at Warruwi (South Goulburn Island) to establish a Christian mission to the Aboriginal people, under the auspices of Methodist Overseas Missions. 


The community is planning a week of witness and fellowship activities. There will be a special day of thanksgiving and remembering at Warruwi on Wednesday 22 June 2016. To register your interest in attending this event, please contact Judy Orme, email: or mobile: 0407 828 495. 

Visit the Uniting Church website for more information. Pastor Billy Nawaloinba in the historic open-air church on South Goulburn Island.