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LGANT Conference and General Meeting in Jabiru


Jabiru Town Hall, Town Centre

The Local Government Association of the Northern Territory (LGANT) was first incorporated in 1992 as the single peak body representing Local Government in the Northern Territory. LGANT holds two General Meetings each year, and its Annual General Meeting (AGM) after the second General Meeting. At the April General Meeting, members approve the LGANT annual budget, membership subscriptions and strategic plan. At the AGM, the financial statements and Annual Report for the previous financial year is tabled. All of the meetings have a conference segment where key note speakers are given the opportunity to present on important issues affecting local government. The meetings are run over two days in Jabiru. A range of matters including policy development, decision-making, networking and information sharing are discussed at the meetings. Decisions made at General Meetings are binding on LGANT and the processes followed are determined under LGANT’s Constitution and Governance Charter.